Alle Einträge der Kategorie ‘Allgemein’
I left my children playing in the tentI hugged them as if it felt like the lasthug. I left to cook them somethingto eat.I came back panicking as I heard theairstrikes. I found my six childrenthat couldn’t fit in the tent. Theyburnt and became ash. I carried thesix in my arm as if it were […]
After 7 months…
sumud (resilience)
A kid from Gaza
„Send this picture to Israel and the world“, he said.
He wanted us to think about what happens in Gaza
US Serviceman Aaron Bushnell set fire to himself outside the Israeli embassy on monday Frebruary 26. On the way there he said: “I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest but, compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their […]
South Africa at the International Court of Justice, Jan 11 2024
Showing the resistance through art
„I don’t search for houses that remain intact, on the contrary I search for houses that were destroyed with innocent civilians inside them such as this house where more than ten bodies were pulled from under the rubbles.“
In memoriam John Pilger 1939-2023
„Silence in the face of injustice is complicity.“