Site Notice

Isabelle McEwen
E-mail: i Phone: 040-69645813

© Texts:

Isabelle McEwen

© Photos:

Michael Steinhauser : "Crime scene art", "Fela rewind", "Un truc formidable", "WHORE" movies, "WHORE" performance, "Ground and Beds", "The confession of Heinz", "The man-eaters".

Gabriele Schwark: "Crime scene democracy", "Europe Contest", "Van Gogh's Butterfly"

Ariane Gramelspacher: "Europe Contest"

Jérôme Kouadio: "Bloody Niggers!"

Anja Beutler: "After the plague", "HURE", about (bottom picture)

Christian Enger: "HURE"

Claas Adler: "HURE"

Friedemann Simon: "Greek", "Three Tales of the Honourable Flower", "Ubu"

D. Füglistaller: "waiting for my time to die..."

Peter Baumbach: "The Breasts of Tiresias"

Gallery Sfeir-Semler: Installation by Anna Boghiguian


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